Monday 16 July 2012

Home Remedies for Back Pain

Most of us get a bit of back pain now and then, frequently in the lower back. In fact, every year half of the working people in the United States are bothered by low back pain at sometime. The spinal column, also called the backbone is a series of bones cushioned by small shock absorbers and held by muscles and ligaments. Most low back pain comes from muscle or ligament strain, disk problems, stress or sometimes all of these. The pain often goes away on its own, but may return later.

Disks break down somewhat with age or from a lot of bending and twisting. In some cases, a swollen disk may press on a nerve in the lower back and send pain down the buttocks or legs. Most disk problems will clear up with the proper care. In sever cases, surgery t remove the disk or part of it may help stem the pain and allow the back to be more functional.

Home remedies for back pain
Home remedies for back pain includes:
  • When the back hurts, ice pack could be applied to reduce pain and swelling
  • When pain is bad lie flat on the floor with your knees bent and your lower legs on a chair or a pile of pillows this helps flatten the back and ease the strain
  • Soft chairs must be avoided as sitting could be tough when back is sore
  • Walk as much as you can, but only if it doesn't make your pain worse
  • If you are disturbed in the sleep due to pain the you could keep pillows under knees while you lie on your back
  • If you sleep on your side, bend your knees and put a pillow between them. Don't lie on your stomach
  • Take acetaminophen, aspirin, or ibuprofen for the pain
Symptoms of back pain:
  • Pain in the lower region of the back; may be severe and recurring often
  • Numbness, tingling, or a shooting pain in your legs or buttocks, often on one side only
  • Pain made worse by coughing, sneezing or twisting
  • Stiffness

  • Bladder or bowel control trouble

  • Weakness in one or both legs

  • Numbness around the groin or rectal area

Prevention of back pain
  • Exercise as often as you can avoid twisting or wrenching your body, or doing anything that seems to make your back pain worse
  • Do exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles
  • Try yoga, this will help in building strength and flexibility
  • Wear comfortable low heeled shoes
  • If you sit for long periods, walk around for a few minutes every half hour or so
  • Don't lift and twist at the same time. Lift by bending your legs not your back
  • Loose weight if you need to. A big belly puts strain on the lower spine
Need of Home remedies for Back Pain
  • If you have back pain with the symptoms of nerve damage, especially loss of bladder or bowel control
  • If back pain is severe or disrupts your normal activities
  • If the pain doesn't go away within a few days or keeps coming back

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