Saturday, 28 July 2012

Benefits of Japanese Diets

The Japanese are healthier, slimmer and live longer than their western counter parts. This article explains why it is so.

- The Japanese serve their food in small dishes, cups and plates. This encourages them to eat less and slowly enjoying every bite of it.

- They prefer less energy dense foods like fruits, vegetables and soups.

- Research suggested that the size of the plate in which food is served has to do with our urge of eating more or less. We eat more when served in large plate than in small ones.

- A Japanese diet contains rice six times more than in an American diet. Moreover the rice is not cooked in butter or oil.

- Japanese diet consists of vegetables like tomatoes, onions, egg plants, green beans, lotus roots, burdock, green pepper, spinach, bamboo shoots, beets, carrots, mushrooms, sweet potatoes and many other sea vegetables.

- The Japanese constitute 2% of world population and consume 10% of world’s fish. They eat less meat and are thus safe from heart diseases.

- Japanese consume soya products to replace meat.

- Japanese desserts comprise of mostly food salads. They enjoy ice-creams too, but in small portions and with subtler tastes.

- The Japanese end their meal with a cup of green-tea which has several health benefits.

- The benefits of Japanese diet can be enhanced by replacing the intake of white rice with brown rice.

- The Japanese food uses sodium in large amounts. Its intake should be reduced.

- Though the Japanese eat less, there daily life involves activities which promote physical, mental and spiritual growth.

- They work hard, practice martial arts as a skill and also for developing mental strength. They meditate too to seek inner wisdom and solace.

Benefits of Fresh Vegetables

The primary nutrients in vegetables are minerals, anti oxidants and phyto chemicals. The color of fruits plays a vital role in helping the immune system of the body to fight with toxic substances. This points below would show you how the color of vegetables and fruits can be helpful in determining their properties.

- Orange foods :The orange foods contain vitamin A which is good for our eyes and a compound called carotenoids. It is helpful in fighting cancer because it repairs the DNA cells.

Examples of Orange foods: Carrots, oranges, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, apricots, cantaloupe.

- Green foods:The green foods contain Vitamin-B complex which is good for the circulatory system and are rich in compounds like salforafane and indones which powerfully fight cancer.

Examples of Green foods: Spinach, cabbage, kale, broccoli, leaf, romaine lettuce and sprouts.

- Red foods:The red foods contain phytochemicals that fight with the damage caused by free radicals to our body. Lycopene gives these foods the red color and helps in protecting our body from prostrate problems.

Examples of red foods: Tomatoes, red cabbage and water-melon.

- Orange and yellow foods: The orange and yellow foods contain Vitamin C and anti-oxidants which are good for the mucus membrane and connective tissues. They are also helpful in prevention of heart disease and inflammation.

Examples of orange and yellow foods: Pine apple, papaya, oranges, tangerines and nectarines.

- Green and yellow foods: The green and yellow foods contain carotenoids, lutein and zeaxanthin which are very helpful in preventing conditions like osteoporosis, cataracts and macular degeneration.

Examples of green and yellow foods: Honeydew melon, green peas, collard green, yellow corn.

- Green and white foods: The green and white foods contain allicin, the anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal phytochemical and organic sodium which acts as an antibiotic in the body and is highly beneficial for the fluids in the joints.

Examples of green and white foods: Pears, onion, garlic, chives, celery.

- Red, blue and purple foods: The red, blue and purple foods contain anti-ageing phytochemicals and anti-oxidants which protect us from heart diseases and aging.

Examples of red, blue and purple foods: Red apples, blueberries, blackberries, beets, strawberries.

Thursday, 19 July 2012

Diarrhea in Children - Cure, Symptoms and Preventions

Diarrhea occurs when the stools move faster than usual through intestines. Dehydration can occur due to Diarrhea. The body might loose its fluid which can hinder in proper functioning of its vital organs. To avoid serious health problems, this condition should be avoided in children as well as elderly alike. The causes for diarrhea include viruses, a reaction to food, food poisoning, and stress. Some drugs, especially antibiotics can be the culprits too. Diarrhea can also result from drinking untreated water that contains "Giardia", a parasite that attacks the intestines, or from other parasites and amoebas. In some cases diarrhea may indicate a more serious disease such as irritable bowel syndrome. Infants and young children need extra attention when they have diarrhea. If it is severe then the infant can become very dehydrated in less than a day.

Symptoms of diarrhea in children:
  • Loose, watery stools
  • Frequent bowel movement
  • Abdominal pain or cramping
  • Dark colored urine
  • Fatigue or tiredness
  • Nausea or vomiting
Prevention of diarrhea in children:
  • Avoid food you know your body cannot handle well
  • When traveling in foreign counties, drink only bottled water or canned drinks don't use ice in drinks
  • Don't eat food that have been put out in the open
  • Take lactobacillus acidophilus in liquid or capsules before meals
  • Wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly before eating
  • Cook food thoroughly, especially meat
  • Practice good hand-washing hygiene
  • Cut back on caffeine, which can cause stools to loosen
  • Bacteria can grow if the food is left at room temperature for longer durations. It is always better to serve it as it is cooked or it is wise to put it immediately in the refrigerator
Cure for diarrhea in children:
  • Breast-fed infants should continue regular feedings. If you use formula then ask the doctor about diluting it with water to half strength for 24 to 48 hours. If diarrhea doesn't improve, try soy -based formula until your child is better
  • Don't give soda, fruit juice, or sports drink to infants or young children. To help prevent dehydration, give the child a few sips of dehydration drinks such as Pedialyte or Infalyte every few minutes
  • Don't give anti-diarrhea medicine to infants or young children
  • For older babies try the BRAT diet, which constitutes bananas, rice, apple and toast. This adds bulk to the stools
  • Yogurt can also help fell better. Don't give the babies any solid foods if they are vomiting

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Top Fashion Blunders You Might Want to Avoid

Everyone is crazy after fashion and wants to look best. Unfortunately many people commit common fashion blunders even without knowing and realizing them. Don't allow your clothes to bring your personality down. Have a glance on the following article to know the blunders, so that you can avoid them easily.

You might have had your share of some common fashion blunders and surely witnessed some specimens who declare themselves as finest examples of fashion. Some of the blunders do happen without your knowledge. So how you can avoid them? There are very simple ways to avoid them; just the thing is that you have to know all about them. Here is the information.

Wearing Colors that don't Suit and don't go with Your Skin Color:
It really looks typically embarrassing when you attend some grand functions or parties wearing colors that do not work for you. Especially before attending any grand celebrations, experiment with different colors and wear the one that suits you best.

Wearing Loose Clothes:
Avoid wearing loose clothes and clothes that don't feet you properly. Avoid wearing pants that get caught in your shoes, don't wear too long pants, too tight skirts and too big sweaters. If your clothes are loose, tailor them to fit properly.

Wearing Too Tight Clothes:
You might be thinking wearing too tight clothes look sexy and thin but it's completely a wrong conception rather they accentuate your big bulges.

Wearing Too Short Clothes:
If you are an employee in a reputed organization, do avoid very short skirts or else you will end up showing your panty. The length of your skirts should not be more than 1 or 2 inches above your knees.

Wearing Wrinkled Clothes:
Many people step out with out noticing that their clothes are not ironed. Don't present yourself in your office that you came directly to office after rolling on your bed. Always wear ironed clothes.

Ignoring under garments:
Buy undergarments that fit you properly, the straps of your bra should not hang out, your panty lines should not come out and elastic threads should not hang out from your waistbands. You can go to a departmental store or lingerie and let a professional take your right measurement. Black bras never look good with white tops and white bras with black tops. Do avoid this.

Ignoring Sweat Stains:
If your shirts, tops and tea shirts show those grimy yellow or dingy reddish sweat rings under your arms, it's a biggest no- no fashion. Keep them for a good washing and use a high-quality antiperspirant.

Wearing Improper or Inappropriate Makeup:
Wear light makeup in the day, it really looks very funny if you paint your face heavily during the day. Wear heavy makeup for evening and night functions or parties. Know the right procedures of using especially eyeliners, fake eyelashes, lipsticks and lip liners.

Wearing Worn out Shoes:
Avoid wearing worn out shoes or else get them repaired. Do avoid scuffed shoes or else invest in a good polish

Important NOTE:
  • Keep your nails clean and trim it evenly
  • Invest in a good deodorant
  • Dress according to your age.
  • Avoid clothes that are out of style
  • Avoid wearing large costume jewelry
  • Choose accessories that suit your personality, taste and style

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

How to Hide Figure Flaws

Dress to Hide your Figure Flaws
Are you very tensed or depressed or feel very awkward in a party or before your friends and seniors in the college because you have a figure flaw? To solve this problem you need to choose appropriate clothes and it’s necessary for you to know some dressing tips which make you look better. What ever may be your figure flaw, here are some top camouflaging tips to hide it and make it less noticeable.

To hide big and bulgy tummy
To hide your big tummy, wear a pencil skirt or pleated trousers with longish sweaters. It disguises your bulges and makes your waistline look perfect.

To create curves
If you don’t have well grown busts and your bust line is making you feel odd before others, then go for shirts that stick to your body, tapered jackets, v-necks and dresses with belts.

To flatter large breasts
Every woman wants perfect, well shaped and well proportioned breasts. Breasts which are excessively large always make you feel odd and uncomfortable when you stand before others. To make yourself look normal select shirts or tops which are little loose, cinched waist dresses, jackets and sweaters. If you like wearing shirts, avoid clingy and tight ones. Avoid wearing belts that bring others focus on your bust.

To hide big butts and wide hips
Wear blazer jackets, if you want to hide your big butts and wide hips that cover more than or half of your butts. These types of jackets make your back look smaller. Wear skirt that has more of a flare or A-line skirt with long jacket to disguise your big hips.

To hide a long neck
A long neck is considered as a beautiful attribute. However if you have a very long neck with a short height, it really looks odd. If you want to hide your long neck go for high collared shirts or turtlenecks.

To create height
You can wear high heels to look tall and feel taller, but wearing high heels everyday is bit difficult which kills your feet and you need to give some rest to your feet. At this time or generally if you want to look tall go for long trousers, short skirts, empire waist dresses, v-neck tops that create a look of a long torso and long and slim sweaters.

Monday, 16 July 2012

Home Remedies for Back Pain

Most of us get a bit of back pain now and then, frequently in the lower back. In fact, every year half of the working people in the United States are bothered by low back pain at sometime. The spinal column, also called the backbone is a series of bones cushioned by small shock absorbers and held by muscles and ligaments. Most low back pain comes from muscle or ligament strain, disk problems, stress or sometimes all of these. The pain often goes away on its own, but may return later.

Disks break down somewhat with age or from a lot of bending and twisting. In some cases, a swollen disk may press on a nerve in the lower back and send pain down the buttocks or legs. Most disk problems will clear up with the proper care. In sever cases, surgery t remove the disk or part of it may help stem the pain and allow the back to be more functional.

Home remedies for back pain
Home remedies for back pain includes:
  • When the back hurts, ice pack could be applied to reduce pain and swelling
  • When pain is bad lie flat on the floor with your knees bent and your lower legs on a chair or a pile of pillows this helps flatten the back and ease the strain
  • Soft chairs must be avoided as sitting could be tough when back is sore
  • Walk as much as you can, but only if it doesn't make your pain worse
  • If you are disturbed in the sleep due to pain the you could keep pillows under knees while you lie on your back
  • If you sleep on your side, bend your knees and put a pillow between them. Don't lie on your stomach
  • Take acetaminophen, aspirin, or ibuprofen for the pain
Symptoms of back pain:
  • Pain in the lower region of the back; may be severe and recurring often
  • Numbness, tingling, or a shooting pain in your legs or buttocks, often on one side only
  • Pain made worse by coughing, sneezing or twisting
  • Stiffness

  • Bladder or bowel control trouble

  • Weakness in one or both legs

  • Numbness around the groin or rectal area

Prevention of back pain
  • Exercise as often as you can avoid twisting or wrenching your body, or doing anything that seems to make your back pain worse
  • Do exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles
  • Try yoga, this will help in building strength and flexibility
  • Wear comfortable low heeled shoes
  • If you sit for long periods, walk around for a few minutes every half hour or so
  • Don't lift and twist at the same time. Lift by bending your legs not your back
  • Loose weight if you need to. A big belly puts strain on the lower spine
Need of Home remedies for Back Pain
  • If you have back pain with the symptoms of nerve damage, especially loss of bladder or bowel control
  • If back pain is severe or disrupts your normal activities
  • If the pain doesn't go away within a few days or keeps coming back

Saturday, 14 July 2012

How can You Help Recovering Addicts Quit Smoking

It can be very traumatic and difficult for addicts to quit smoking. The most trying times are when the addict is going through the recovery period. This is the phase when the craving for nicotine is the strongest and it takes everything that the addict has to keep away from puffing away at a cigarette again at these moments.

How can you be of help to those trying to quit?
An addict who is trying to kick the habit needs all the help that is available. This help does not imply only medical and clinical support but much more than that. They require clinical, moral and emotional support and help to quit and stay quit.

They most important support that an addict needs is to keep up his/her will power strong to keep away from cigarettes. This is more important than you may realize. No treatment will work well unless the addict makes up his/her mind to quit and stay that way. During the initial days when the cravings are very strong, this will power can weaken and may make the addict go back to smoking. You can help an addict by providing this much needed support and guidance. This will help keep them going strong and stick to their resolve of quitting.

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) is an effective method that is used in treating addictions of all kinds. You can help the addict approach centers which conduct EFT or you can help do it at home if possible.

Controlling Urges with Breathing Exercises

Studies suggest psychological dependence on smoking accounts for 90% and physical dependence accounts for a mere 10%. Training your subconscious mind to give up smoking is therefore the most effective way to quit smoking. Deep breathing is a natural and easy way to calm the senses towards resisting the urge to smoke.

Ex-smokers find it very difficult to manage their withdrawal and recovery symptoms which range from headaches, loneliness, anxiety, etc. Positive self talks and breathing exercises can help smokers manage these symptoms to a great extent.

How do breathing exercises help to control your urges to smoke?
Deep breathing exercises help you to focus and narrows down your thoughts and attention towards your individual goals and commitment. Deep breathing also helps in overcoming stress and anxiety. Breathing exercises can be effective if done in the following ways:
  • Exercise to inhale and exhale air
  • Sit calm and simply breathe in and out slowly and deeply
Deep breathing is therefore a way of controlling your thoughts towards a positive goal thereby helping you overcome nicotine withdrawal symptoms like insomnia, depression, lack of concentration and irritability.

Control your urges by managing potential triggers like secondhand smoke, alcohol, caffeinated drinks, and boredom.

Friday, 13 July 2012

Reasons for False Positives on Nicotine Test

One of the ways to check for presence of nicotine in the body is through a blood test. The presence of nicotine in blood can be a sign that the individual smokes. There are some blood tests that measure cotinine, a chemical produced from nicotine in the body, instead of nicotine. Some blood tests measure the level of nicotine or cotinine in the blood while some other tests give a positive or negative report according to some predetermined levels for these chemicals in blood.

Reasons for false nicotine positives
There can be a number of reasons why an individual can test positive for a nicotine blood test. Reasons range from diet to other medications to environment to human errors in labs. Some details about why your blood test may throw up a false positive are given below.
  • Diet: The American Academy of Insurance Medicine has found that foods like mustard, broccoli, almonds and cabbage, if consumed before a blood test can lead to a false positive for nicotine. They increase the level of thiocyanate in the body which leads to these faulty results
  • Environment: People who work in the area of metal refining or other similar environments which have high levels of metals can have increased levels of thiocyanate in the body. This can throw up a false positive for nicotine
  • Medications: Some medications like THC, amphetamines and a few others can also lead to a false nicotine positive.
  • Nicotine products: People especially on cessation programs use nicotine gums and patches which might indicate a positive in blood, although this is not a false positive. If the doctor is unaware of the cessation program, it might falsely indicate smoking
  • Errors: Even though most major labs take utmost care to avoid mix ups in blood samples and test results, human errors do happen, sometimes leading to a false positive for nicotine in blood
These blood tests to determine the presence or absence of nicotine in blood are done for a number of purposes. They could be for a health insurance, as part of medical tests for a company or for a smoking cessation program.

Will Nicotine Show up in a Blood Test?

Nicotine is a substance that is addictive. It is found in tobacco and tobacco products. It is a neuro-toxin that is detected by the body as soon as it is taken into the body. It enters the blood stream very quickly and spreads throughout the body including the brain.

How is a nicotine blood test done?
There are both qualitative and quantitative blood tests for nicotine. They detect the presence or absence of as well as the levels of nicotine in blood. Along with nicotine, they also test for cotinine, a biological compound of nicotine, and anabasine, a product contained in tobacco products.

It may be part of a complete series of blood profiling tests or may be done individually. This test may be done for insurance purposes, for treating health disorders or even as part of tobacco cessation programs.

Will nicotine show up in blood tests?

If a person uses tobacco products like cigarettes, smokeless tobacco or snuff, or uses other nicotine products like nicotine patches or gum, he/she will have nicotine in his/her system. This nicotine will show up in a blood test, usually up to 1-3 days after the last usage of nicotine-containing products. This time frame is variable according to the amount of nicotine use/abuse, the individual's health and age.

Sometimes tests can throw up false positives. Some factors like certain food products, medications and chemicals present in the environment can increase levels of thiocyanate in the body. This can, in turn, throw up false positives for nicotine in blood tests.

Nicotine will show up in blood tests only if the test is being done to check for presence of nicotine or other drugs. In case of general blood tests, the doctors may not even check for the presence of other substances unless specifically asked to do so.

Home Remedies for Freckles

When we are overexposed to sunlight, our skin reacts by creating small dark pockets or spots of melanin known as ‘freckles’. Melanin is a pigment that is found in the eyes, skin and hair. They are produced by cells known as melanocytes. While freckles look cute on some people, they can be unattractive on others. Freckles may appear on any part of our skin which is exposed to the sun, though they are mostly visible on our face. People also inherit freckles genetically or due to hormonal dis balance.

Home Remedies for Freckles:
While freckles may be a cause of embarrassment, simply ignoring them won’t make them vanish. Spending sleepless nights worrying how they appear to others is also not the best way to deal with freckles.

Listed below are some home remedies for Freckles that one can try at home to treat freckles:
  • Home remedies for Freckles with Sour Cream: Experts suggest that sour cream can be a good treatment for freckles because it contains lactic acids. These acids can help by gently peeling the skin from the affected area without causing dryness or irritation. You can wash your face with sour cream, leave it on for few minutes, then gently wipe it off using a soft tissue paper. You can also apply a moisturizer after cleansing your skin
  • Home remedies for Freckles with Lemon Juice with Sugar: While sugar can help to exfoliate the skin, lemon juice can help to bleach the dark spots naturally. Mixture of lemon juice mixed with sugar could be applied on the skin which is affected. One must repeat this for few days and the dark spots would disappear gradually. Discontinue once the problem is over
  • Treatment of Freckles with Honey & Wheat Germ Paste: Honey along with wheat germ can be an effective cure for removing dark spots of freckles. Wheat germ is a rich source of vitamin E that helps in maintaining healthy skin. To try this, you can mildly warm honey and add a little amount of wheat germ to it. Stir the paste and apply it on your face. After about 15 minutes, you can rinse the paste off your skin by washing it with warm water and then with cold water
  • Treatment of Freckles with Vegetable and Fruit Mask: You can benefit from freckles by regularly applying a vegetable and fruit mask consisting of strawberries, cucumbers, red currants, apricots on your skin. Regular use of this mask can reduce skin damage by improving blood circulation and gradually removing the dark spots
  • Increase Vitamin C Intake: Regular intake of vitamin C can help in reducing sensitivity of the skin to the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun. This in turn can help in preventing skin damage and freckles
  • Vitamin E or Castor Oil: It is recommended that vitamin E can help in maintaining a healthy skin by reducing cellular damage. Castor oil can help in reducing the dark spots thereby treating freckles.You can apply odorless castor oil or vitamin E on your skin and leave it on for the night once daily for about a month
Since ancient times, man has tried a variety of things to get rid of freckles, but there is still no particular diet or food that can take credit for curing it completely. In spite of this, healthy diet can go a long way in making our skin glow and keeping the body healthy.

Radial Tunnel Syndrome - How Rehabilitation Can Help

Radial Tunnel Syndrome is caused when the radial nerve that passes through the radial tunnel in the elbow is compressed, squeezed or pinched. This nerve controls various muscles in the forearm and hand. So whenever any pressure is felt on the nerve, it causes pain and discomfort. A sudden direct blow may also result in affecting the nerve and causing pain.

Non Conservative treatments have shown satisfactory improvements in patients. But in cases where no significant improvement has been felt, surgery is advised.

Nonsurgical Rehabilitation -
If conservative treatment is successful, you will see improvement within 4-6 weeks. But wearing wrist band or strap, elbow pad or elbow splints are always helpful. You must continue wearing either as per the guideline of your physician. Healthy diet is a must along with few prescribed exercises. But activities involving repeated movements of the hand and forearm, heavy grasping and twisting motions must be limited.

Your physical therapist would assist you in performing few exercises. He will design simpler ways to perform your tasks without affecting your elbow or nerve. Therapist will also teach ways to avoid future problems. Your therapist will work on strengthening your muscles and achieving normal functioning of the elbow.

Rehabilitation After Surgery -
Following a surgery, the elbow is placed in a removable splint. You will need to attend sessions for 6-8 weeks with the occupational therapist or the physical therapist. Complete recovery would require 3-4 months. You can start activities with your forearm after a week of the surgery. But you should not strain your affected arm so early. Your therapists will use ice packs, massaging techniques for the soft-tissue and hands-on stretching. These would help in improving the range of motion.

After the removal of the stitches, you may start with strengthening your hand and forearm but very carefully. Squeeze and stretch special putty, perform some isometric exercises. These would improve the strength of the forearm and hand without giving any strain to the tissues near the radial tunnel.
Stabilizing your muscles is also very important. This is done by your therapist not only at the affected site (elbow) but also at the wrist and shoulder, in fact the entire arm. Improvement is required for fine motor control and dexterity of the hand.

How Is Radial Tunnel Syndrome Different from a Tennis Elbow ?
  • The location of the pain is the most deciding factor.
    • In tennis elbow, the pain starts from the spot where the tendon attaches to the lateral epicondyle
    • In radial tunnel syndrome, the pain is centered and it is almost two inches down the arm. It is felt over the spot where the radial nerve goes under the supinator muscle
  • Type of pain may also be taken into account during the detection.
    • In Radial tunnel syndrome, more achy type of pain is felt in the muscles of the forearm