Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Top Fashion Blunders You Might Want to Avoid

Everyone is crazy after fashion and wants to look best. Unfortunately many people commit common fashion blunders even without knowing and realizing them. Don't allow your clothes to bring your personality down. Have a glance on the following article to know the blunders, so that you can avoid them easily.

You might have had your share of some common fashion blunders and surely witnessed some specimens who declare themselves as finest examples of fashion. Some of the blunders do happen without your knowledge. So how you can avoid them? There are very simple ways to avoid them; just the thing is that you have to know all about them. Here is the information.

Wearing Colors that don't Suit and don't go with Your Skin Color:
It really looks typically embarrassing when you attend some grand functions or parties wearing colors that do not work for you. Especially before attending any grand celebrations, experiment with different colors and wear the one that suits you best.

Wearing Loose Clothes:
Avoid wearing loose clothes and clothes that don't feet you properly. Avoid wearing pants that get caught in your shoes, don't wear too long pants, too tight skirts and too big sweaters. If your clothes are loose, tailor them to fit properly.

Wearing Too Tight Clothes:
You might be thinking wearing too tight clothes look sexy and thin but it's completely a wrong conception rather they accentuate your big bulges.

Wearing Too Short Clothes:
If you are an employee in a reputed organization, do avoid very short skirts or else you will end up showing your panty. The length of your skirts should not be more than 1 or 2 inches above your knees.

Wearing Wrinkled Clothes:
Many people step out with out noticing that their clothes are not ironed. Don't present yourself in your office that you came directly to office after rolling on your bed. Always wear ironed clothes.

Ignoring under garments:
Buy undergarments that fit you properly, the straps of your bra should not hang out, your panty lines should not come out and elastic threads should not hang out from your waistbands. You can go to a departmental store or lingerie and let a professional take your right measurement. Black bras never look good with white tops and white bras with black tops. Do avoid this.

Ignoring Sweat Stains:
If your shirts, tops and tea shirts show those grimy yellow or dingy reddish sweat rings under your arms, it's a biggest no- no fashion. Keep them for a good washing and use a high-quality antiperspirant.

Wearing Improper or Inappropriate Makeup:
Wear light makeup in the day, it really looks very funny if you paint your face heavily during the day. Wear heavy makeup for evening and night functions or parties. Know the right procedures of using especially eyeliners, fake eyelashes, lipsticks and lip liners.

Wearing Worn out Shoes:
Avoid wearing worn out shoes or else get them repaired. Do avoid scuffed shoes or else invest in a good polish

Important NOTE:
  • Keep your nails clean and trim it evenly
  • Invest in a good deodorant
  • Dress according to your age.
  • Avoid clothes that are out of style
  • Avoid wearing large costume jewelry
  • Choose accessories that suit your personality, taste and style

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