Thursday, 19 July 2012

Diarrhea in Children - Cure, Symptoms and Preventions

Diarrhea occurs when the stools move faster than usual through intestines. Dehydration can occur due to Diarrhea. The body might loose its fluid which can hinder in proper functioning of its vital organs. To avoid serious health problems, this condition should be avoided in children as well as elderly alike. The causes for diarrhea include viruses, a reaction to food, food poisoning, and stress. Some drugs, especially antibiotics can be the culprits too. Diarrhea can also result from drinking untreated water that contains "Giardia", a parasite that attacks the intestines, or from other parasites and amoebas. In some cases diarrhea may indicate a more serious disease such as irritable bowel syndrome. Infants and young children need extra attention when they have diarrhea. If it is severe then the infant can become very dehydrated in less than a day.

Symptoms of diarrhea in children:
  • Loose, watery stools
  • Frequent bowel movement
  • Abdominal pain or cramping
  • Dark colored urine
  • Fatigue or tiredness
  • Nausea or vomiting
Prevention of diarrhea in children:
  • Avoid food you know your body cannot handle well
  • When traveling in foreign counties, drink only bottled water or canned drinks don't use ice in drinks
  • Don't eat food that have been put out in the open
  • Take lactobacillus acidophilus in liquid or capsules before meals
  • Wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly before eating
  • Cook food thoroughly, especially meat
  • Practice good hand-washing hygiene
  • Cut back on caffeine, which can cause stools to loosen
  • Bacteria can grow if the food is left at room temperature for longer durations. It is always better to serve it as it is cooked or it is wise to put it immediately in the refrigerator
Cure for diarrhea in children:
  • Breast-fed infants should continue regular feedings. If you use formula then ask the doctor about diluting it with water to half strength for 24 to 48 hours. If diarrhea doesn't improve, try soy -based formula until your child is better
  • Don't give soda, fruit juice, or sports drink to infants or young children. To help prevent dehydration, give the child a few sips of dehydration drinks such as Pedialyte or Infalyte every few minutes
  • Don't give anti-diarrhea medicine to infants or young children
  • For older babies try the BRAT diet, which constitutes bananas, rice, apple and toast. This adds bulk to the stools
  • Yogurt can also help fell better. Don't give the babies any solid foods if they are vomiting


  1. Thanks for sharing. I have been looking diarrhea remedies around SLC, UT for a long while. I will have to give this a go.

  2. Very thanks for sharing it.Diarrhea in newborns is common.Diarrhea leads to dehydration and also gradual degradation of overall health of a baby
